Are You a Professional or an Amateur? When Will You Go Pro?

“There is no room for the dilettante in this business” Are you a professional, an amateur, or a dilettante? Worse than an amateur is a dilettante.  A dilettante is defined as a person who cultivates an area of interest, such as the arts (speaking), without real commitment or knowledge. Synonyms: non-professional, non-specialist, layman, layperson, dilly-dallier.…

How to be a Contrarian Thought Leader

Journalist, writer and political commentator, Walter Lippmann, said, “When everyone thinks the same, nobody is thinking.”   I have coached literally thousands of executives, leaders, mangers, entrepreneurs, sales people and Toastmasters on breathing life into their business presentations. I can break down the content of their presentations into two categories: Conformity Contrarian What is a…