Imagine that you are at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), in Las Vegas. Over 150,000 people from all over the world attend this annual pilgrimage of nerd nirvana!
Everything is a blur.
There are miles of vendor booths filled with representatives who speak a foreign language – technobabble!
They didn’t use words, rather initials and numbers:
“360,” “AI,” “5G,” “AR,” “VR!” (This would be an awesomely secure password!)
GEEK Speak. They love jargon.
Each rep rattles off “speeds and feeds.” That is, how their thingamajig is faster than the competitor’s thingamabob!
Each of these trade-show representatives suffers from Premature Presentation ©
Premature Presentation © (noun)
- An untimely presentation of product features, functions, and services.
- A thoughtless running of the mouth without the vaguest idea if it is a fit for their prospective consumer.
“…at this stage, salespeople [speakers, entrepreneurs, etc.,] do not yet know enough about their potential clients’ situations to accurately show how their product or service can help them in meaningful ways. Additionally, prematurely presenting your product or service will also steal from the persuasive [power] of your sales presentation.”
–David Hoffeld, “The Science of Selling”
In other words, these trade-show sellers, “show-up and throw-up.”
Repeatedly, I asked, “How can I use this in my world?”
Crickets! I got complete silence. Or they would ignore the question and repeat their pitch.
Eventually, a few of them caught on and gave me some possible uses.
But the majority of these reps were suffering from “Premature Presentation”©.
Have you ever suffered from this condition?
At a networking event, have you ever shown-up and thrown-up about your products and services, hoping that the recipient would “get it”?
What’s the cure?
Recently, I had an annual checkup with my doctor.
Doctors have a remarkable process.
They diagnosed before they prescribed! It works like this:
- They ask diagnostic questions.
- Run tests.
- Analyze Results.
- Finally, they prescribe.
What a concept!
This same process will work in your business.
- Diagnose before you prescribe. Ask questions before you say anything about your products or services. Ask “what,” or “how” questions to open up the conversation. Be an investigator, detective, or a doctor!
- Forget yourself first. This is an expression from my friend, keynote speaker Craig Valentine. It means to forget talking about you, your products, or services until you have an understanding of your prospect’s needs.
- Don’t confuse the syringe for the medicine. The hypodermic holds the cure; it is not the medicine. For example, in the speaking business, speakers confuse their syringe (books, speeches, training, etc.) for the cure. The syringe is the container for the cure – it is not the cure! When you are talking about the needle, people are focused on how much this is going to hurt! Talk about results that your clients will achieve by working with you (higher productivity & morale, lower turnover, higher retention). This is the remedy! Everyone wants a cure.
- Avoid technobabble. These terms only make sense to you. Most people will nod and politely walk away. Use layman’s terms.
Please add your Premature Presentation © stories or solutions in the comments.
About Ed Tate
Since 1998, Ed Tate helps corporations, entrepreneurs, speakers, and salespeople win High-Stakes Presentations.