Ed Tate is an award-winning international Keynote speaker, trainer, and author. Worldwide he is known as “The Speaker Who Energizes, Educates, and Entertains.” Using the principles, he teaches, Ed Tate won the “American Idol of Public Speaking” and became the 2000 World Champion of Public Speaking. This award is Toastmasters International’s most prestigious speaking award among its 332,000+ members. In 2008, Ed earned the Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designation from the National Speakers Association. It is the speaking profession's international measure of professional platform skill. It is an honor bestowed on less than 12% of its members.

You're a Fortune Teller Testing Your Emotional Reset Button

You’re a Fortune Teller – Testing Your Emotional Reset Button

What if I told you that you could predict the future? Would you believe me? I’ll prove it to you. On New Year’s Eve, what are some behaviors you expect to witness? Fireworks Countdown Alcohol People Singing Badly What about the 4th of July? (Or your country’s birthday, if you are reading this outside of…